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team Board

Quick Message:

I apologize for any schedules moving, missed communications, etc. There are a lot of moving parts, and keeping everything organized isn’t always an easy task. I am the first to admit I do, on occasion, drop the ball on things. I know if I am not 100% perfect it can cause issues for players and parents.

I understand the chat boards can get messy with information and not everything we put out is read. So I do try to keep important information on the website underTeam Boardand schedules under theSchedulesection of the website. Please always check there for information.

Being under the microscope of 150-plus families isn’t always fun. When I do make a mistake, please message me in private before you take it to the public chat boards. As many of you know, I will always talk to you one-on-one and try to figure things out.


Additional Fees & Fundraising

Before this current season started, at tryouts, and during the season I put information out about additional fees being invoiced Oct 24 and Feb 25. Those fees are to be used to cover additional expenses (ie tournaments and league fees). 

Yes, the last 2 seasons, we did cover those out of dues and our operating budget, but because of the sheer increase in cost, that would not have been possible at the current rate of dues

We had 2 choices at the begin of the season. Raise dues to cover those costs, not knowing what those costs were going to be; that number would have been a high estimate, costing you more. The second choice was to not include those fees in the dues and bill everyone once we knew the exact cost. We chose the latter.  

The original dates were set back in July but those dates had to be moved to Feb 2025 and April 2025. There were two main factors: the nonprofit not being ready and not knowing league fees. Our nonprofit did not have tax-exempt status until Nov 2024, and this precluded us from fundraising prior to that. League Fees were not released to us until this past weekend.  


Fundraising funds explanation was sent out in Nov you can find detailed information here.

Here is a quick explainer that we sent out in Nov:

If the total fee is $600 per player

Example 1: Player A raises $500 dollars from their individual fundraising efforts. Player A’s total owed will be $100 ($600 – $500). The invoice being sent this month would be for $100.

Example 2: Player A raises $900 dollars from their individual efforts. Totaled owed will be $0. The remaining balance raised will be available for Player A to use as needed for approved purposes: Gear, Uniform, Dues, Travel etc.

Those invoices will be going out this week.

Funds from the 100x fundraiser will not be included. Once we get those I will either add it to your invoice in April or find a way to pay it out. Please remember this is coming from the nonprofit arm, and I can’t just hand out cash.



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