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Fundraiser Updates 2024

Here are a few updates on our upcoming fundraiser. Thank you, everyone, for all the great suggestions and help in setting these events up.

1. HundredX fundraiser January 2025 (Individual)
-A few parents have had great success with this. We believe a bulk of our fundraising can come from this. See the attached video for details.

2. Roundtable Pizza restaurant takeover Dec 6th (Organization).
-Still waiting for confirmation on the date. Once it is confirmed we will get out the details.

3. Gotsneakers event (Organization)
-We will have a donation box to drop off used sneakers and rubber cleats at the facility.

4. Double Good Popcorn (Individual).
-We are going to run this several times between December and March next year.

5. Brownbear Carwash Fundraiser (Individual)

6. Pinks Out Sale (Organization)
-Items used for the pinkout tournament will be sold through the nonprofit starting in January.

7. Thunderbirds Grant.
-We missed the 50/50 fundraiser for this year, but can apply for the grant instead. We are working on the grant application for this.

Note: A few parents have suggested doing a raffle. The nonprofit is not eligible to hold a raffle until after July 2025.


HundredX Fundraiser



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